EU: report points to energy EWCs’ poor participation in CSR policies

Through . Published on 05 January 2010 Ă  15h25 - Update on 05 January 2010 Ă  15h25

ed out by the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) and the Social Development Agency (SDA) entitled “Learning and EWC practices in the European Energy Sector,” a study was commissioned on the role of EWCs regarding CSR policy and the implementation of transnational agreements. The draft report points out that CSR strategies are often unilaterally developed by businesses and that EWCs aren’t involved in their definition or in spreading these policies. (Ref. 100009)

On December 14, the representatives of many EWCs in the energy sector met, under the aegis of the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) to discuss their role in the sector’s corporate policies,…

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