Gaz de France: the EWC supports the revision of the 1994 directive

As many other European works councils (see our article No. 080017), Gaz de France's sent a letter, at the end of January, to the European Commissioner in charge of Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Vladimir Spidla, to insist upon the need to revise the 1994 directive, relying on its experience. (Ref. 080100)

Through . Published on 06 February 2008 Ă  8h35 - Update on 06 February 2008 Ă  8h35

Martine Feuillerat (CGT), EWC secretary, first reminded that the agreement establishing Gaz de France’s EWC, dating back to November 14, 2001, “improves the definition of information and consultation, of the right to appeal to experts,…

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