Generali: the insurance group consolidates the EWC

On December 18, 2007, the Italian insurance group Assicurzzioni Generali (61.000 employees, 56.000 in Europe) renewed, after adopting a "European social charter for the Generali group" (see our dispatch No. 070121), its agreement on the European works council to "detail and strengthen dialogue with European staff representatives on transnational issues". (Ref. 080141)

Through . Published on 20 February 2008 Ă  9h14 - Update on 20 February 2008 Ă  9h14

This new agreement rewrites the original agreement which was signed on November 11, 1997 and which was already renewed on October 26, 2000.

Constitution: every country with a workforce of at least 50 is represented within the council. An additional representatives is then added per workforce groups. The main delegations come from Germany (6 seats for 16.945 employees), from Italy and from France (5 seats each for respectively 15.894 and 8.330 employees),…

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