Sanofi-Aventis : final stretch to the creation of a European negotiation body

The European Mine, Chemistry and Energy Federation (EMCEF) is consulting its members about the draft agreement creating a European dialogue body within the pharmaceutical group Sanofi-Aventis. Elaborated with European representatives, this agreement negotiated with the EMCEF and the FECCIA (European Federation of managerial staff in the Chemical Industries) plans to create a European body that will be "perennial and representative", a true "efficient and constructive negotiation place". (Ref. 071037)

Through . Published on 19 December 2007 Ă  18h26 - Update on 19 December 2007 Ă  18h26

A joint approach. The preamble reflects this common will which ruled the approach: “Sanofi-Aventis’ social partners want to pursue and concretize the European social dialogue started as soon as the group was created by the establishment of a European negotiation body” and “want to develop this approach in order to provide a common base with collective provisions applicable to all the employees in all the entities within the EWC’s perimeter.” “Everything was jointly done,…

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