Spain: VW Navarra strikes deal securing the site’s future

The management of Volkswagen Navarra, the UGT and CCOO unions and the CGC executives’ federation signed an agreement in principle for the drafting of the 8th collective agreement, which will serve as a reference in terms of working and pay conditions for 5 years.  The draft agreement signed on October 10 guarantees employees’ buying power with a wage increase amounting to the previous year’s CPI.  It also establishes annual individual working time to 215 days, i.e. 4 more than now.  The tariff for recruiting new employees will be 10 percent lower.  The works council should present the agreement’s content to workers for approval in a few days.  The management welcomes this agreement which strengthens the site’s future.  (Ref.  130611)

Through . Published on 14 October 2013 à 12h30 - Update on 14 October 2013 à 12h30

Key points of the agreement.  Wages (variable and fixed parts) will be updated following the previous year’s CPI throughout the duration of the agreement.  A new “productivity bonus” will apply depending on the number of cars made each year: €250 if production exceeds 300,000 units per annum,…

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