Sweden: given the exponential growth in the number of posted workers, unions are finding ways to promote the conclusion of collective agreements

How to temper the effects of the EJC ruling in the Laval case over working conditions for posted employees? The ruling calls the fundamentals of the Swedish model into question and has forced the unions to think about ways to ensure that the minimum rules from collective labor agreements are upheld by businesses posting workers in Sweden. Following the example set by Unionen (private sector employees) they have implemented specific agreements called ‘collective agreement for posted workers’ (utstationeringsavtal) with support from the national agency for working conditions, the Arbetsmiljöverket.

Through . Published on 01 July 2016 à 12h12 - Update on 04 July 2016 à 10h05

A significant rise in the number of detached workers. Arbetsmiljöverket has noted a 12% rise in 2015 in the number of posted workers, making 43,000 detached workers operating for more than five days. The sectors most affected are construction as well as machine repair and installation with workers coming mainly from Poland,…

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