United States: the UAW strikes an historic victory in the U.S. south during union elections at a Volkswagen plant in Tennessee

The United Auto Workers union UAW has finally got its foot in the door of the Volkswagen plant at Chattanooga in Tennessee. The skilled trades workers on the Passat assembly line voted by 108 in favor (44 against) of joining the union. For several years the German automaker has been trying to establish union representation for all of the plant’s workers and sees this vote as frustrating its efforts. As a result it will be appealing this vote.

Through . Published on 07 December 2015 à 10h46 - Update on 07 December 2015 à 11h00

An historic victory for the UAW in the American South. Not all of Chattanooga’s 1,450 plant workers were actually called to vote. Back in February 2014 a campaign for setting up union representation had sparked much political controversy (c.f.…

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