EU: following the ETUC refusal to further negotiations the EU Commission is now free to launch an initiative on revising the employment contract directive

In a statement published on the ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation) website on 07 November 2017, the confederation announced it was not looking to enter into negotiations with the employers body, BusinessEurope, on the issue of overhauling the 1991 Written Statement Directive that requires employers to give written details to employees on the employment relationship. In terms of its response to the second consultation phase between the social partners on the issue, (c.f. article No. 10365), the union body said it is 'not convinced that the conditions are right for a formal negotiation with employers on this issue', but that it does stand ready to discuss with BusinessEurope in order to come up with a joint contribution that would have an influence on the European Commission. Indeed, and as announced in September 2017, (c.f. article No 10365), the Commission is set to present a legislative initiative before the end of 2017 that could transform Directive 533/1991 into a text that creates minimum rights for all workers.

Through . Published on 08 November 2017 à 16h34 - Update on 08 November 2017 à 17h58

In response to the second phase of consultations with the European social partners on revising the Written Statement Directive, the 07 November ETUC website statement read, “The ETUC is calling for the 1991 Written Statement Directive, which obliges employers to give employees written details on the employment relationship, to be thoroughly reformed and modernized. It is the first chance for the EU to demonstrate that the European Pillar of Social Rights can be translated into real rights in the workplace”.…

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