UN: Treaty discussions restart based on a draft text on multinational corporation responsibility in cases of human rights violations

Discussions on a draft Treaty on multinational corporation responsibility in cases of human rights violations (c.f. articles No. 10416 and No. 9188) are set to restart on 15 October, and will be based on a draft text that was published at the end of July 2018. The initiative aims to ensure victims of human rights violations by multinational corporations have effective access to the justice system and to appropriate redress. This draft text is robust and Ecuador is steering the intergovernmental working group discussions. In addition to access to the justice system and the possibility of invoking multinational responsibility for human rights violations, the draft Treaty also intends for a due diligence obligation to be included.

Through . Published on 13 September 2018 à 12h12 - Update on 14 September 2018 à 16h31

Multinational corporations legally responsible. According to the draft treaty under examination all those ‘who individually or collectively, are understood to have been subjected to damages including physical and psychological, moral, emotional sufferance, economic loss, or a very serious violation of human rights including environmental rights, because of actions or omission committed as part of business activities of a transnational character’ or those who have suffered harm by intervening on behalf of those detailed formerly,…

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