Nestle: the European work’s council challenges management on one of its suppliers

After the intervention of the European work's council of Unilever last April (see enclosure), the European work's council of Nestle, wrote to management in order to express concern over the possible presence of Musim Mas palm oil and oleochemicals in Nestle products . This action was supported by European and international trade-union federations of the agro-alimentary sector. (Réf. 06453)

Through . Published on 09 May 2006 à 9h59 - Update on 26 March 2013 à 10h26

In a letter addressed to the chairman of Nestle, Peter Brabeck, the co-president of the European work’s council Jörg Lindner reminds that “Nestle was committed to respect minimal standards in terms of law and responsibility in its world activities,…

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