Great Britain: more and more HR departments are merging into shared services

In order to save money and have more effective HR services, a lot of UK firms are now banking on the creation of a single HR pole, following the idea of shared services centers (SSC). Infrastructures, hotels or even telecoms: at a round table organized by HR Magazine, companies gave testimonies of their success in introducing shared HR services, which always leads to savings. However, some say it dehumanizes the trade.

Through . Published on 24 June 2014 Ă  15h16 - Update on 24 June 2014 Ă  15h22

75 percent of the 500 biggest companies in the US now allegedly use SSCs, according to HR Magazine, which published an article on this phenomenon that is conquering the UK. Indeed, more and more companies are introducing SSCs in their HR departments. Remember that the idea of shared services is to centralize and mutualize a service that used to be divided within a company –…

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