Italy: Atlantia offers extra leave to employees who engage in voluntary work

Atlantia employees who engage in voluntary activities will be able to benefit from 10 additional days of paid leave per year. The landmark ‘Cittadinanza Attiva’ (Active Citizenship) agreement is the first of its kind in Italy, and part of the CSR policies of the Italian investment holding company that manages motorways and airports under concession and offers an array of mobility services.

Through . Published on 28 October 2021 à 10h29 - Update on 28 October 2021 à 10h29

The agreement signed on 07 October by Atlantia’s management and the Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uiltrasporti, SLA Cisal, and UGL Viabilità e Logistica trade unions is based on the principle that ‘certain abilities and sensibilities’ developed in civil society and in particular in the community-association arena are becoming ‘valuable and significant including for the business world,’ with notable values and characteristics such as openness and inclusion,…

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