Germany: autonomy central to staff training at drugstore chain dm

Dm-drogerie markt, Germany's leading healthcare and cosmetics retail chain, has deployed an array of innovative measures to train its employees and maintain their employability, ranging from trainees taking over management of a shop for several weeks, a personalised e-learning platform accessible to all staff, and employees offering their own e-learning courses.

Through Marion Leo. Published on 06 February 2023 Ă  15h23 - Update on 06 February 2023 Ă  15h23

With revenues of €13.6 billion for the fiscal year 2021/2022 in Europe, 3,945 stores in 14 European countries, 71,629 employees in Europe, of which 46,347 are in Germany, dm is the largest drugstore chain in Germany and Europe. As well as its size, the group’s corporate philosophy and the degree of employee autonomy is what makes it special. All employees, from managers to cashiers, are expected to “act entrepreneurially”.…

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Germany: Berlin wants to introduce a one-year leave period for further education and training