EU: second phase consultation launched on digital platform workers’ rights

On 15 June the European Commission launched the second stage consultation of European social partners on better protecting people working through platforms. This follows the Commission’s first consultation stage  (c.f. article No.12304) that took place between 24 February and 07 April 2021, and that led to the Commission concluding there was a need for ‘further EU action to ensure basic labour standards and rights to people working through platforms measures’; a need made only more acute by the Covid-19 crisis and the very rapid development of digital platforms.

Through . Published on 17 June 2021 à 11h52 - Update on 17 June 2021 à 17h07

Establishing a set of common standards. Ensuring decent working conditions for platform workers, while promoting the sustainable growth of digital work platforms in the European Union. Thus the purpose of this second consultation stage that is set to run until 15 September 2021,…

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