Italy: transposition of the European work-life balance directive includes improvements for parenthood and carers

Extended parental leave, including for single-parent families, and priority for parents and caregivers in accessing agile work: these are the main points of the decree-law approved by Italy’s Council of Ministers on 31 March as it transposes European Directive 2019/1158 into national Italian legislation, the objective of which is to rebalance family responsibilities between males and females and to promote gender equality.

Through . Published on 06 April 2022 à 14h20 - Update on 06 April 2022 à 14h20

Parental leave. The decree-law provides for several new elements. Paternity leave, instituted on an trial basis in 2013 (a single compulsory day and two optional days) and then gradually extended, now becomes structural. Thus and as provided for in the European directive (c.f.…

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