Axa conducts a global survey on employee morale during the pandemic

Through . Published on 29 April 2020 à 13h10 - Update on 29 April 2020 à 16h36

The global insurance group conducted its worldwide ‘Checking’ survey between 20 and 24 April in an attempt to gauge the state of mind and morale of its staff during this unprecedented period of history that has seen a large proportion of the workforce teleworking. ‘Checking’ is a short survey (4 questions) and replaces the first survey of the year which was due to take place in March but which was cancelled. The questions asked try to ‘take the pulse’ of its staff and assess whether employees feel well informed, how well connected they feel to their team, what their ‘mood’ is during these times. A final open-ended question collects employees’ original worded feedback on how the company can help them further. On 27 April, all local entities made the results available to their staff. More of these types of mini-surveys are planned (one per month for the next two months).

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