Daimler: opens negotiations over the right to mobile working

Whilst the German automaker Daimler already offers a variety of working time models apparently this is still not enough. Results from a large internal survey showed that almost 80% of the 33,000 workers polled are calling for the right to mobile working. Daimler has thus decided to extend working time flexibility and mobile working for its German staff. This move is to improve work-life balance and facilitate coordination between the company’s far-flung subsidiaries. Since September, several measures have been implemented, especially those on job security. Following deliberations over the survey’s results, negotiations have just started between the social partners in order to conclude a company agreement on working time and mobile working.

Through . Published on 25 January 2016 à 13h21 - Update on 25 January 2016 à 13h21

33,000 respondents or 80% in favor of mobile working. Daimler’s competitor, BMW and the sub-contractor Bosch have already concluded company agreements on mobile working. Daimler’s model of mobile working is relatively limited and not very flexible and staff can only access the model when his/her boss gives the green light. To broaden these practices which   not only allow for ‘more agreeable’ working hours, but also facilitate video-conferences between working teams located across the globe the Stuttgart based automaker polled its German staff in a survey of 82,000 carried out at the start of 2015: “I was first surprised by the massive participation rate.…

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