NeuroLeadership, or how understanding how the brain works to manage better

After conquering the United States – where at least 1,000 large businesses allegedly use this method according to the NeuroLeadership Institute – neuroleadership is tackling Europe, where training on this subject is starting to thrive.  For instance, the CIPD, the major HR organization in the UK, organized in 2014 a series of conferences to raise its members’ awareness to this method that suggests deciphering the way the brain works to better understand human beings’ typical reactions – and therefore employees.  Overview of this new discipline.

Through . Published on 09 May 2014 à 15h26 - Update on 09 May 2014 à 15h26

What if studying the way the brain works was the future Eldorado of HR methods?  In any case, it’s the path followed by neuroleadership, a new practice that is already largely established in the US and is starting to gradually conquer Europe.  David Rock, Director of the NeuroLeadership Institute and author of the best selling book, Your Brain at Work (HarperBusiness, 2009), says that, as early as 2007, he came up with the expression ‘neuroleadership’ to define this concept, whose principle is to apply neuroscience knowledge to corporate management.  He explains, “By thinking in terms of the brain, we introduce a whole new language for describing and therefore altering mental and social experiences (…) We don’t know everything about the brain, but we know that cognition is impaired under high stress, and that creativity is impaired under surprisingly low stress. We should be following the biology more,…

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