PSA to make teleworking the benchmark for non-production activities.

‘The lessons learned from the general implementation of teleworking are helping to accelerate the transformation of the company’s operating methods in favour of greater agility and efficiency for employees’, explained the French automaker in a press release issued on 06 May, announcing the launch of its ambitious ‘New Era for Agility’ project to overhaul the way people work by making telework ‘the benchmark for activities not directly related to production.’

Through . Published on 07 May 2020 à 16h12 - Update on 21 July 2020 à 16h05

‘Encouraging greater complementarity between remote work with collaborative and collective experiences on the sites’, ‘aproject that promotes agility, efficiency and a better work-life balance, developed in co-construction with the social partners,’ and ‘a project that contributes to PSA Group’s environmental performance by reducing the company’s carbon footprint.’ These are the key messages the PSA Group is delivering as part of its overhaul of working methods as the automaker finds itself at a crossroads of different expectations from both employees and society in general.…

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