Argentina: state-owned bank Banco Nación introduces recruitment quota for trans people

At the beginning of August, the Argentinian state-owned bank Banco Nación announced an agreement that is unprecedented for the sector in Argentina: the establishment of a hiring quota for transsexual, transgender and transvestite people. Under the agreement presented by the director of the bank, the sector trade union and the chief of Argentina’s cabinet of ministers, at least 1% of people recruited by the bank will be trans, in a bid to foster their inclusion in the world of work. The Asociación Bancaria, Argentina’s banking sector union, presented this policy as a world first for a financial entity, putting the country at the forefront on rights for trans people.

Through . Published on 27 August 2020 à 13h58 - Update on 27 August 2020 à 13h59

Santiago Cafiero, chief of the cabinet of ministers, said the agreement is not about creating a “quota policy” but a policy to boost “access to rights”. “The net of injustice in this country is being torn down,” Banco Nación president Eduardo Hecker added. “This agreement repairs the injustice and lack of opportunities suffered by the trans comrades,” according to the general secretary of the banking sector union,…

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