Great Britain: an agreement allowing Rolls-Royce to return to work

On 08 April amid the coronavirus crisis, the trade union Unite revealed that it had negotiated a series of measures with the engineering giant that manufactures aircraft engines in order to protect the jobs and health of the 20,000 British employees. This landmark deal – that includes a 10% wage cut over the next 12 months, which will be made up and paid back later, enables Rolls-Royce, which ceased all production on 25 March, to reopen its sites gradually from this week.

Through . Published on 09 April 2020 à 15h20 - Update on 09 April 2020 à 16h48

The most significant measure the trade unions have accepted is a 10% salary reduction for a period of 12 months, starting April 2020. However, this 10% will be paid back to employees next year starting April 2021. This decision concerns all employees of the Rolls-Royce group,…

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