Italy: generational renewal programs pick up the pace at corporate giants TIM (ex Telecom Italia) and Enel

Telephony giant TIM, which has set up a major voluntary early retirement program (c.f. article No.12419), is now committed to making 750 new hires during 2021 and 2022. The bulk of the recruitment will focus on highly specialized profiles, especially in the digitalization field. Energy company Enel has also reached an agreement with trade unions to facilitate the voluntary early retirement of 2,400 employees, in return for recruiting 1,400 young people.

Through . Published on 25 May 2021 à 14h53 - Update on 25 May 2021 à 14h53

TIM: “Contratto di espansione” (expansion agreement). On 17 May, at the Ministry of Labor, TIM signed an agreement with the trade unions SLC-Cgil, Fistel-Cisl, Uilcom and UGL TLC, which aims to accompany the Italian telecommunications giant’s new industrial plan that intends for its expansion into new sectors. ‘The business and technological strategy (…) must necessarily be accompanied by a thorough transformation of the company,’ explains the agreement,…

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