Italy : Milanese social partners join forces to foster greater worker participation in company decision-making

Assolombarda, the Milanese branch of the employers’ body Confindustria, together with the local sections of the Cgil, Cisl, and Uil unions have signed a territorial agreement that seeks to foster a broad culture of worker participation in their companies’ lives and organization. The goal is to better meet the demands stemming from ‘technological innovation, international competition, and the need for a better work-left balance.’ Presented during a Congress assembly held on 22 October, this agreement, a watershed for Italy, notably launches a collaborative effort to identify the best-suited tools and arrangements so that decentralized collective negotiations, especially as regards company agreements, attract greater worker participation.

Through . Published on 30 October 2019 à 15h49 - Update on 30 October 2019 à 16h19

This protocol agreement reflects the thrust of the national level ‘Industry Pact’ signed in 2018 by Confindustria, Cgil, Cisl, and Uil (c.f. article No. 10581), which remarked on the need for an innovative industrial relations system in order to promote new ways and arrangements for workers to participate in how their companies are organized and in particular in those operating within the most dynamic branches.…

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