Italy: UniCredit ramps up its generational renewal measures and promotes employees’ purchasing power

Italy’s banking giant has just signed several agreements with the trade unions that include provisions for a new early retirement plan, with 850 voluntary departures fully matched by new hires. In addition, the early negotiation of the productivity bonus and a new lump sum for benefits in kind will mean UniCredit group employees in Italy can access up to €2,400 in the coming months.

Through Hélène Martinelli. Published on 15 December 2022 à 10h28 - Update on 15 December 2022 à 10h28
Key points
A new early retirement programme based on one new hire for one departure.
Purchasing power support in the form of bonuses
A redefinition of professional profiles across the subsidiary network 

The agreements signed on 02 December by the UniCredit banking group and the FABI,…

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