Spain: banking sector agreement on the right to disconnect and the implementation of daily working time records

Spain’s banking sector trade unions and employers’ bodies have concluded an agreement on employees’ right to disconnect (log out) during rest periods. The agreement is part of the negotiation over implementation in the sector of the March 2019 decree law (c.f. article No. 11038) that requires all employers to keep a record of employees’ working time so as to be able to identify unpaid overtime hours.

Through . Published on 20 December 2019 à 10h46 - Update on 20 December 2019 à 8h47

On 18 December, the agreement was signed by the AEB employers’ body and the banking sector’s trade union federations; Servicios, FeSMC-UGT, and FINE. It sets out a broad definition of working time that excludes both lunchtimes and breaks taken for personal reasons.…

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