Spain: employer and union organisations come together to demand exceptional measures to quickly ease impact of coronavirus

The CCOO and UGT trade unions, as well as the employer confederations CEOE and Cepyme, have together drawn up a document setting out their joint proposals for dealing with the coronavirus and cushioning the impact of the health crisis on companies and employment. They set out their demands through a videoconference with the head of state on Thursday 12 March. In particular, they are calling for the recourse to partial or temporary unemployment to be simplified, as well as extraordinary measures to reduce the time that must be set aside for consultation with staff representatives under the law, from 15 days to 7 days.

Through . Published on 13 March 2020 Ă  16h30 - Update on 16 March 2020 Ă  17h24

Along with this mechanism, a clarification is to be provided as regards cases considered to be examples of force majeure, against the backdrop of declining business activity owning to the coronavirus outbreak,…

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