Schneider Electric: adoption of an agreement on changes’ conduct

The French group Schneider Electric (117.000 employees) signed an agreement, on July 12, 2007, with the European Metalworkers' Federation (EMF,) on changes' foreseeing. The text sets "minimum joint principles that may be used as the framework to which all European units". The text plans the promotion of social dialogue and the establishment of foreseeing actions to manage employment and skills, as well as specific actions as early as jobs are threatened after a transborder change in the organization. (Ref. 070626)

Through . Published on 13 July 2007 Ă  6h28 - Update on 13 July 2007 Ă  6h28

This agreement, the second one negotiated according to the internal procedure elaborated by the EMF (see our dispatch n° 06653) after Areva’s (see our dispatch n° 061207,) aims at improving the anticipation of the group’s evolutions through an active practice of social dialogue and the recourse to adaptation tools, such as skill plans or individual skills’ reviews.…

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