EU: 5th EFFAT Congress held in Croatian capital Zagreb on 06 /07 November under the banner: ‘Organise, Fight and Win: A recipe for a stronger EFFAT’

‘EFFAT is standing at a crossroads.’ This opening statement from the EFFAT ( European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism) Action Plan that was adopted in Congress preceded a list of reasons including, ‘numerous challenges caused by the introduction of new technologies, climate change, neo-liberal policies, the rise of nationalism and capitalist greed, all of which are threatening working people across Europe.’ In order to meet these challenges the 2020-2021 action plan focuses on 3 main priorities, namely, building trade union power and solidarity, improving workers’ rights and conditions through collective bargaining, and pursuing the objective of establishing a fair and sustainable Europe from farm to fork.

Through . Published on 20 November 2019 à 15h45 - Update on 20 November 2019 à 16h04

Unionization is a vital priority. The first key priority for the European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agriculture and Tourism sectors, which represents 115 trade unions from 38 European countries, is attracting and retaining union members. This is an ‘absolute priority for EFFAT and its affiliates during the upcoming period in order to strengthen the power of the collective,’ because ‘a strong union movement is the best response to increasing levels of precarious work and inequalities and can guarantee a better Europe based on the fundamental values of democracy,…

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