Société Générale: a new addendum to the EWC puts in place a single representation entity for the group in France and Europe

On July 09, Société Générale’s Comité de Groupe France (CGF) (French Works Council) agreed to merge with the EWC. The addendum regulating the operations of the new Comité de Groupe Européen, the EWC, which can be signed until July 13 puts in place a ‘Commission France’ (French Commission) that takes up the remit of the original CGF.

Through . Published on 09 July 2015 à 14h13 - Update on 09 July 2015 à 15h01

The agreement was already signed by all the representative French unions (via an anticipation agreement) except for the CFDT that preferred to wait for the July 09 vote before signing.

A French Commission. This addendum technically takes over from the previous EWC agreement as well as the French Group works council agreement.…

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