Société Générale renews the global agreement with UNI Global Union on fundamental rights

On 04 February, Société Générale together with UNI Global Union renewed their global agreement on fundamental rights. This new version explicitly addresses the role of the international trade union federation in terms of French Duty of Care legislation for corporates, and add two new pillars, namely, combatting discrimination and developing workplace diversity, health and safety and wellbeing to that of freedom of association, which was comprehensively developed in the first 2015 agreement (c.f. article No. 9111).

Through . Published on 05 February 2019 à 14h45 - Update on 05 February 2019 à 16h48

Duty of Care. ‘This global agreement is part of the company’s commitment to exercise due diligence to identify, prevent, mitigate and remedy human rights violations wherever they might occur in the company,’ states the text, which also adds UNI as one of the ‘stake holders’ in the vigilance plan that has to be produced and published in line with the French law of 27 March 2017 (c.f.…

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