EU: European Commission launches its first phase consultation of social partners on platform workers

On 24 February and as part of its considerations on how best to improve working conditions for platform workers, the European Commission launched its first phase consultation of the European social partners as a way to inform the direction of the debate. The document identifies both the challenges and problems with platform working as well as possible solutions at European level. Failing a decision by the social partners to enter into negotiations, the European Commission is expected to publish a second consultation document before the summer as well as a legislative proposal at the end of 2021.

Through . Published on 24 February 2021 Ă  16h57 - Update on 24 February 2021 Ă  17h12

Should people working through online platforms be presumed to have employee status? Should online platforms be required to remunerate waiting times or times spent looking for missions? These are some of the questions that the European Commission is asking in its first consultation phase on platform workers, and which is due to last at least 6 weeks. “The key is to find a balance between opportunities and ensuring social rights are the same as in the traditional economy,” said Executive Vice-President for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age, when presenting the initiative to the press.

The European Commission is guiding the debate.…

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