EU: European Parliament gives the green light to the new European Commission

“If we do our job well, the Europe of 2050 will be the first continent in the world to be carbon neutral. It will be a leading digital power. It will continue to be the economy that best manages to strike a balance between market forces and social concern. And it will lead the way on the great global issues.” Thus some of the then President-elect of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen’s closing words in her speech on 27 November requesting the European Parliament’s approval for the new EU College. With 461 votes for, 157 against and 89 abstentions the EU Parliament voted for the European Commission’s first ever female head and in another ground-breaking move also approved a gender-neutral executive.

Through . Published on 27 November 2019 à 15h39 - Update on 27 November 2019 à 15h39

The new EU Commission President commenced her speech presenting her team by focusing on “an existential issue for Europe-and for the world’, namely protecting our climate.” Indeed, in order for her to secure her own and her team’s approval, its composition has already been altered after European parliamentarians rejected three of her candidates.…

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