EU: limits to be introduces for a further 8 carcinogenic substances, including diesel exhaust fumes

On 11 October, the European Parliament and the Council reached an agreement opening the way for a second proposed revision to the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive (2004/37/CE) to be adopted, with workplace exposure limits and observations as regards skin absorption to be introduced for eight new substances.

Through . Published on 15 October 2018 Ă  14h44 - Update on 15 October 2018 Ă  14h44

The most significant new measure introduced by co-legislators, at the request of the European Parliament, is a new cap for diesel exhaust fumes. According to Claude Rolin, the Belgian MEP in charge of the issue on the parliament side, the introduction of a limit on diesel exhaust fumes in companies was the “most difficult” aspect to negotiate as it concerns several economic sectors and is of greater symbolic importantce after the dieselgate scandal.…

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