EU: EU parliament mandate to negotiate a draft directive on transparent and predictable working conditions is confirmed

Negotiations between the EU Council of Ministers, the EU Parliament, and the EU Commission on the draft directive relative to improving working conditions will indeed go ahead. On 15 November the European Parliament confirmed the negotiation mandate to MEP Enrique Calvet Chambon (Spain, Liberal ALDE party) as rapporteur on this working conditions file that was voted in mid-October by the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. (c.f. article No. 10860). The request for a review of the mandate was voted down by 398 to 208 (13 abstentions) was made by the right and center-right PPE together with right wing conservative and Eurosceptic ECR. The rapporteur has confirmed tri-partite negotiations will commence on 21November. The draft directive aims to improve worker protection in an increasingly and ever-changing world of work, and particularly because of the growing number of new forms of work (platform workers, on-demand work, voucher workers and so on). For more on the draft directive c.f. article No. 10507.

Through . Published on 15 November 2018 Ă  11h12 - Update on 15 November 2018 Ă  16h22

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