Social partners’ answer on the issue of corporate governance

European social partners responded to the consultation launched by the European Commission on company law and governance. Whereas the ETUC defends a model of governorship which would arrange a decisive space for employees, European employers ask for a simplification of the law and oppose any legislative intervention aimed at guaranteeing participation rights in management structures, in the event of changes (mergers, etc.). (Réf. 06360)

Through . Published on 12 April 2006 à 14h52 - Update on 24 March 2013 à 16h24

Unice and ETUC took part in the open public consultation in December 2005 by the Commission, which was completed on last 31 March. The communication, which is used as a basis for the consultation, defines the priorities of the second phase (2006-2008) of the action plan for company governance adopted in 2003 by the Commission and which aims at encouraging the effectiveness and the competitiveness of companies and to reinforce the rights of shareholders and third parties.…

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