Germany: the government finally agrees on the bill against discriminations

After months of controversies, the German coalition government succeeded in agreeing, in the night of 1 to 2 May 2006, on a law against discriminations. This text, which will transpose in the German law four European directives, goes beyond their requirements. (Ref. 06437)

Through . Published on 04 May 2006 Ă  13h55 - Update on 24 March 2013 Ă  21h11

A non-discriminatory access to goods and services. Like the Community directives, the German law, renamed “law on equal treatment” (Gleichbehandlungsgesetz), will prohibit any discrimination at workplace (hiring, promotion, training, etc), based on religion, convictions, race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, age and handicap. But whereas the European legislation is limited to three criteria of discrimination (race,…

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