Germany : the House of Länder (Bundesrat) rejects the current bill on « law against discrimitation »

During its session that took place on Friday, June 16th 2006, the Bundesrat, that has conservative majority, has refused to conform to the agreements made between the coalition parties. The head of the Länder have asked for the rectification of the « law on equal treatment » (Gleichbehandlungsgesetz) by the Bundestag (federal house of the representatives) on several points. (Ref 06623)

Through . Published on 20 June 2006 à 10h29 - Update on 26 March 2013 à 17h05

The conservative ministers-presidents have recalled that no kind of discrimination was acceptable but that they think the German bill against discrimination, passed by the Government on May, 11th 2006 (see our article n° 06467),…

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