Belgium: pension reform project targeting long careers and an intention to raise the minimum pension

In the months ahead Belgium’s ruling coalition is expected to address fresh reforms to the nation’s pension system. While the legal retirement age is not expected to be under review, the reforms do envisage changes to early retirement conditions so that people who started their careers early or who have worked part-time for a great number of years can retire earlier. Changes are also afoot for those looking to extend their working lives beyond the legal retirement age such that they could see their pension amounts being increased.

Through . Published on 30 September 2021 à 11h15 - Update on 30 September 2021 à 11h15

At the beginning of September, Pensions Minister Karine Lalieux (Socialist party), announced her intention to present a pension reform project to her partners in the ruling executive. The reform is not expected to revisit the legal retirement age, which was set in the latest reform of the previous Michel government at 67 years of age starting 2030 (currently 65 years of age moving up to 66 years of age in 2025),…

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