Chile: law passed to regulate digital platform work

On 3 March, Chile’s chamber of deputies passed a law to amend the country’s labour code, in order to regulate work on digital service platforms. The final text grants platform drivers and delivery workers the right to a minimum wage as well as social security and collective bargaining. Under certain conditions, however, platforms will still be able to use self-employed workers, who will benefit from additional protections.

Through . Published on 11 March 2022 à 15h32 - Update on 11 March 2022 à 15h32

Chile, South America’s fourth largest economy, has joined the growing list of countries regulating work for platforms (see article n°12869). After a legislative process that has lasted almost two years, a text was finally passed by the lower house of Chile’s congress via a “legislative veto” filed by the government over the draft approved by the senate.…

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