Finland: a new agreement for the technology, electronics, mechanical, and metallurgy industry sets the tone for negotiations across the other sectors

Following an agreement between the industry union (Teollisuusliitonet) and technology sector employers (Teknologiateollisuuteen), employees have secured a 3.3% salary increase distributed over 25 months. The agreement that runs from 04 January 2020 to 30 November 2021 signals an end to the sector’s competitiveness pact that the previous government had implemented, and which notably had featured an additional 24 hours of unpaid work (c.f. article No. 9709). In exchange however, possibilities for working time changes have been agreed. This new agreement came after three weeks of overtime strikes as well as three full strike-days in December.

Through . Published on 09 January 2020 à 14h15 - Update on 09 January 2020 à 14h00

The new agreement will be applied at local company level via the negotiation of local level salaries which will have to include the way in which the company will increase pay as well as the payment schedule and amounts. If companies cannot agree all the details with the relevant trade unions before 14 February 2020,…

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