Germany: Employment Ministry unveils the contours of draft legislation aimed at ‘strengthening’ works councils

On 22 December, the Minister of Employment and Social Affairs, Hubertus Heil, presented the broad thrusts of draft legislation aimed at ‘supporting’ works councils (WCs) (Betriebsrätestärkungsgesetz) and which should facilitate the setting up of works councils in companies. The text intends, inter alia, for procedures that foster the setting up of works councils and the election of employee representatives, to better protect those setting up works councils, as well as to strengthen the WCs’ right of scrutiny with regard to lifelong training, the use of artificial intelligence, and mobile work.

Through . Published on 06 January 2021 à 16h37 - Update on 06 January 2021 à 16h37

Dwindling numbers of works councils. With under a year before the legislative elections, Employment Minister Hubertus Heil continues to carry out the tasks set in 2018 by the coalition government contract and signed by the conservatives and social democrats. Consistent with the wishes of both parties, on 22 December Minister Hubertus Heil presented a text that will serve as the basis for the draft legislation. This text has yet to be finalized and concerns the strengthening of works councils and employee delegates.…

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