Great Britain: a new single enforcement body for employment rights in the offing?

On 16 July the UK government launched a public consultation on the establishment of a new single enforcement body to ensure national minimum and legal wages are paid and that the right to paid leave is upheld. The goal of this element of the Good Work Plan (c.f. article No. 10943) is to streamline and harmonize oversight as well as to become more efficient in offering better protection to workers at a time when the UK only has about half the number of labor inspectors recommended by the ILO International Labour Organisation.

Through . Published on 18 July 2019 à 11h40 - Update on 18 July 2019 à 11h40

The idea of the UK’s Conservative-led government is to establish a single body that carries more weight and is easily recognizable so that employees can easily identify it and feel able to approach it when seeking help. From the company perspective this ‘single labour market body’ will provide ongoing support,…

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