Great Britain : The pensions reform is getting started

The retirement commission, created in 2002 by the British Government made public last April 5th – in its third and last report – its final reform proposals. Those confirm the previous recommandations and revive the anger of the employers. (Ref. 06332)

Through . Published on 05 April 2006 à 14h54 - Update on 24 March 2013 à 14h55

Introduced by the former boss of the bosses, Adair Turner, chairman at the Commission, this report ignores most of the critics that have been made since the publication of the preliminary recommandations in November 2005. Seeing the failure of the current system of private pension system – the companies pension funds’ are suffering a deficit globaly estimated at 57 billions British Pounds – he maintains his proposals to guarantee a decent pension for the 12 millions salaried workers of the private sector depending on the meagre public pension (currently 120 to 170 euros per week) and who do not contribute to any other complementary pension fund.…

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