Mexico: a law on remote working in the process of being adopted

Through . Published on 22 July 2020 à 15h49 - Update on 22 July 2020 à 15h49

This initiative dates back two years. While Mexico’s Senate house passed the bill in June 2019, parliamentary debate has since been stepped up amid the health-related crisis. The bill has been referred to Chamber of Deputies Labour Committee, and will also have to pass a Plenary session in order to be definitively adopted. The text, comprising 5 articles, reforms the current Federal Labour Law in order to define the concept of remote work (a form of work organization that does not require any physical presence in the workplace and is carried out using ICT), and to require that relevant contracts be concluded that set out: the conditions for remote working, the technological resources for this type of working, the work environment necessary to undertake this form of work, the means to carry it out in terms of time and space, the responsibility for any equipment, the means for effective monitoring and control of results, and IT security measures. Equal treatment (remuneration, training, career development) is also provided for in the text. A specific standard will be drawn up for health and safety aspects as well as for the respect for privacy and a private life. An advice and information network will also be set up.

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