Peru: new law on remote working introduces right to disconnect

A new law recently adopted by the Peruvian parliament aims to regulate remote work and thus provide better protection for employees. The bill, which still needs to be approved by the executive branch, provides for the payment of equipment and costs related to remote work as well as a right to disconnect, among other things. It will replace an emergency regulation that was adopted in 2020, which succeeded a 2013 law that was considered "rigid".

Through . Published on 17 June 2022 Ă  13h37 - Update on 17 June 2022 Ă  13h37

The Peruvian parliament adopted a new “telework law”, with 97 votes cast in favour, no votes against and three abstentions, according to a press release from the Parliament on 10 June. The bill replaces a previous 2013 law described as an “invisible and unconvincing standard”…

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