Portugal: remote working or flexible working hours recommended (and compulsory in Lisbon and Porto) due to re-emergence of Covid-19

The Portuguese government has recommended that remote working or telework should be in place wherever possible. This measure was decided in the Council of Ministers as part of the plan to combat Covid-19 on Thursday 10 September. Telework is also compulsory when a company cannot guarantee implementation of the directives issued by the Directorate-General of Health of Portugal (DGS). If remote working is not possible, companies must introduce a rotation system, staggered working hours and breaks at different times. The urban areas of Lisbon and Porto are subject to a stricter regime given how the pandemic is evolving in these territories. The trade union confederation CGTP, for its part, is advocating the introduction of a 35-hour working week as a measure to avoid clustering at peak times.

Through . Published on 14 September 2020 Ă  14h25 - Update on 14 September 2020 Ă  14h25

Remote work recommended. The Portuguese government is asking company managers to guarantee the safety of their workers, by making use if necessary of remote working arrangements provided for in the country’s labour code (law no. 7/2009, of 12 February).…

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