Spain: creation of an eight-week parental leave period available until child reaches 8 years of age

The Spanish government is preparing the introduction of a new parental leave period to facilitate work/life balance and co-responsibility within families. The draft is expected to be  presented by the end of October and provides for two leave options namely, seven days of paid annual leave for the care and support of dependent children or relatives, and eight weeks of unpaid leave that can be taken by either parent until the child turns eight.

Through . Published on 06 October 2022 à 10h53 - Update on 06 October 2022 à 9h50

This government draft is by way of transposition of the European Directive of 20 June 201, the work-life balance directive (c.f. articles No.11231 and No.13163), on the right  for working parents and carers to a better work-life balance.…

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