United Kingdom: new support scheme for “viable” jobs to run from 1 November

On 24 September the UK government unveiled its Job Support Scheme as part of its efforts to combat the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The scheme will see the government pay for a portion of hours not worked in order to lessen the burden on companies and support jobs. This measure, which is similar to support systems in France and Germany, will however be reserved to employees doing at least 33% of their usual working hours. It will be effective for a period of six months from 1 November and replaces the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, which is due to end on 31 October (see article n°11973).

Through . Published on 25 September 2020 à 14h14 - Update on 25 September 2020 à 14h58

“Employers will continue to pay the wages of staff for the hours they work – but for the hours not worked, the government and the employer will each pay one third of their equivalent salary,” the government announced. This mechanism, which is only open to those who work at least one third of their usual hours,…

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