Industrial relations in Luxembourg

Through . Published on 05 August 2013 à 10h43 - Update on 05 August 2013 à 10h51

Union organizations, collective bargaining structure, collective bargaining at cross-industry level, bargaining at sectoral level, bargaining in companies, employees representatives bodies  all you need to know about the industrial relations system in Luxembourg is in this fiche.

A few figures

As far as union membership rates go, the OECD gave 41 percent for 2011, and 54 percent for collective labor agreements’ coverage in 2008 (STATEC 2011).

Union organisations

Union representativeness

The Labor Code provides that “general national representativeness is granted to those unions that have the necessary power and efficiency to take their resulting responsibilities, notably support, at national level, a major social conflict.”  Article 161-5 adds that, at the latest elections for the House of Employees,…

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